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Genetic Biodiversity

Archana Verma

Biodiversity abbreviated from terms ‘biological’ and ‘diversity’, encompasses the variety of life forms found at all scales of biological organisation ranging from genes to species to ecosystem. The Convention on Biological Diversity defines “biodiversity as the variability among living organisms from all sources.”

Genetic biodiversity is a result of genetic change an evolutionary process which is reduced by habitat destruction, dwindling of population and extinction. It also ensures that forest trees remain and develop under changing circumstances in a world where diversity is declining and there are dramatic environmental changes. The maintenance of high genetic diversity has become a priority.

Why is then genetic diversity important for species?

The answer is quite simple since it helps in survival of plants, animals and various living organisms. The species capacity to adjust to new circumstances, whether be a resource scarcity or any disturbance in environment, depends on genetic diversity.

In recent times, we are observing that there is loss of biodiversity largely due to overexploitation by humans.

Example:- Black rhinos are disappearing from Africa mainly due to demand for manufacture of ceremonial daggers for Middle Eastern puberty rites; Elephants are endangered due to their ivory which is of great economical value.

Destruction of insects also can lead to failure of crops that do depend on insect pollination. If this trend continues crop yields will be much difficult to maintain due to climate change and soil erosion. Air pollution will increase and climate will become harsher.


In situ conservation:- In it several hotspots are identified and protected for species which are endemic to particular habitat and are highly threatened of being extinct. Example:- National parks.

Ex situ:- Threatened plants and animals are taken from the natural habitat and kept in special setting with special care and protection. Example:- zoos, botanical gardens

Steps should be taken to decrease human population otherwise the rate at which human activities are increasing the extinction of earth's biota is unavoidable.

Generating awareness among people is most important since they need to realise the disastrous effects of loss of biodiversity.

Therefore it is essential to conserve genetic diversity for maintaining the ecosystem which is only possible when each individual recognizes the importance of it.

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